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Among the many programming languages ​​out there









发表于 2023-3-29 17:08:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Python is one of the most popular. The reason is simple, because this programming language is flexible, easy to understand, and also easy to learn. You must have often heard of Python. But, maybe you don't know the ins and outs of this programming language, starting from its benefits, advantages, to examples of the software that uses it. Fortunately, you will learn about all of them in this article. Without the need to linger, let's see more! Contents hide 1 What is Python? 2 What Are the Uses of Python? 2.1 1. Developing a Website 2.2 2. Developing Games 2.3 3. Performing Data Analysis 2.4 4. Making Applications 2.5 5. Do Automation 2.6 6. SEO 3 6 Pros of Python 4 5+ Software Using Python 4.1 1. Google 4.2 2. YouTube 4.3 3. Facebook 4.4 4. Instagram 4.5 5. Dropbox 4.6 6.Spotify 5 Do you understand what Python is? What is Python? Python is a multi-purpose programming language that has many functions, from building websites, building software, to analyzing data.

This programming language was first released in 1991 by a programmer from the Netherlands named Guido van Rossum . python maker Why is Python called a general-purpose programming language? Because this language Uk Phone Number List is not only made to solve one particular problem. In fact, the issues Python can solve are quite varied. You can use it to manage the server -side of your website, create system scripts, run automation processes, and various other programming activities. So, it's no wonder Python is so popular. Because, in addition to its flexible function, Python is also easier to use when compared to other programming languages ​​such as Java. What Are the Uses of Python?

Okay, now you know what Python is and its benefits in a nutshell. Next, let's talk about some of the uses of Python. Here are some of them: 1. Developing a Website Python is a programming language that is often used to manage the back end of websites. Well, the back end itself is the "behind the scenes" part of the website, where website data is stored and processed. So what can Python do on the back end of a website? So, this programming language can be used to send information to servers, interact with databases , and process data. python is What's more, Python also has many frameworks for web development, such as Pyramid, Django, and Flask. So, it will be easier for web developers to create the website they want. 2. Develop Games Even though Python is not a popular programming language for making games, you can also use it to develop simple games.


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