本帖最后由 Ftimran 于 2022-8-11 20:34 编辑
You'll also want to make sure you have a uniquely descriptive, keyphrase-rich title text per page. Navigation: Add site search functionality for those visitors who are looking for something very specific and don't want to click-through the navigation. My thanks to Emily for sharing her creative plan with me and Copyblogger, and for her donation to Heifer International. Here's your chance to be the Copywriting Maven's next Creative Plan Makeover! If you've got a product/service ready to launch but think it wouldn't hurt to get an expert review … AND you're willing to share the results with Copyblogger readers … AND you're willing to spend a little coin with a great charity — then follow your click to Maven's Creative Plan Makeover for all the details. (Please note that I'm booked for new gratis reviews until 7/31.
If you're interested in a private critique/makeover of your Country Email List marketing plan or current landing page, please email me directly.)If you're interested in a private critique/makeover of your marketing plan or current landing page, please email me directly .)If you're interested in a private critique/makeover of your marketing plan or current landing page, please email me directly.)please email me directly.)If you're interested in a private critique/makeover of your marketing plan or current landing page, please email me directly.)If you' re interested in a private critique/makeover of your marketing plan or current landing page page, please email me directly.)please email me directly.)If you're interested in a private critique/makeover of your marketing plan or current landing page, please email me directly.)
If you're interested in a private critique/makeover of your marketing plan or current landing page page, please email me directly.) Just make sure your schedule is realistic and productive. 2. PHONE . Call a portion of your customer list according to your schedule. If you operate solely online and don't have phone numbers, contact people by e-mail. You can even use snail mail if you have addresses. Start by saying something flattering, such as, “The president of our company has personally asked for your opinion. Would you mind telling me what you think about our widget?” Ask a few easy questions to elicit responses that are either positive or neutral in tone: When did you receive your widget? Did your widget arrive in good condition? Have you used it (tried it, tasted it, read it, worn it) yet? Then ease into the real questions:What is your opinion of your widget?