The opt-outprocess has to be concluded within 10 days. Fines are up to EUR 600 000. ItalyIn Italy, spam law is defined in the Italian Personal Data Protection Code2003, which also takes a rather severe approach when it comes to penalties.Explicit or implicit consent is required, opt-in approach, Recording privateinformation or Transferring personal data to third parties for marketingpurposes shall be asked separately. Keep records of consents given is a must.Clear identification of sender, contact information in each email and an Optionto cancel subscription are a must. The opt-out process has to be concludedwithin 10 days. Breach of law is a criminal offense and penalties go up tothree years of imprisonment and fines up to EUR 90 000.
TheNetherlands The Dutch legislation is specified in Canada Phone Number List the Dutch TelecommunicationsAct 1998. Explicit or implicit consent is required when you message individualsor businesses in the Netherlands, opt-in approach. Unless legal personspublicly acknowledge that they want to receive unsolicited CEMs and provide anemail address for it, or **No prior consent is required from subscribersoutside of the EU. As long as the sender abides by the laws of that country.Keep records of consents given is a must. Clear identification of sender,contact information in each email and an Option to cancel subscription are amust. The opt-out process has to be concluded within 30 days. An interestingfact in the Netherlands is that also charities fall under the law. Fines go upto EUR 450 000.
Belgium InBelgium, the Law of March 11, 2003 requires: Explicit or implicit consent fromrecipients, opt-in approach, Except if you message generic email addresses suchas they can be opt-out only. Keeping records of consents given is a must. Ifyou process the personal data of your subscribers, you are obliged to report tothe Commission for the Protection of Privacy, The commercial character of themessage has to be clear, Clear identification of sender, contact information ineach email, and an Option to cancel subscription are a must. The length of theopt-out process depends on the case. Fines are up to EUR 50 000. Norway TheMarketing Control Act 2009, and the Electronic Commerce Act 2003 define SPAMregulation in Norway.